from $18.00


The map was printed June 20, SHOWA 17 (1942)  and released on June 25th of the same year.  This map was originally for government use only and was not for sale to the public.

During WWII, mandatory community meetings across Japan were requested by the Government to educate the public about the benefits of the Greater East Aisia Co-Prosperity Sphere, consequentlylarge wall maps were printed for this purpose but few survived in decent condition due to their frequency of use, exposure to the elements or destroyed as evidence.   

This rare map’s purpose was strictly for government use and no copies were made available for sale to the public.  This is a prime example of the implementation of the Greater East Aisia Co-prosperity Sphere as an instrument of propaganda.   At these meetings people were shown all of the members who made up the sphere and the resources they provided for the ultimate benefit of Japan. The map measures approximately 31 x 41 and has been expertly linen backed.   

The Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere (大東亞共榮圏 Dai-tō-a Kyōeiken) was an imperial propaganda concept created and promulgated for occupied Asian populations during the first third of the Shōwa era by the government and military of the Empire of Japan. It extended greater than East Asia and promoted the cultural and economic unity of Northeast Asians, Southeast Asians, and Oceanians. It also declared the intention to create a self-sufficient "bloc of Asian nations led by the Japanese and free of Western powers". It was announced in a radio address entitled "The International Situation and Japan's Position" by  Foreign MinisterHachirō Arita on June 29, 1940.

The information in the insets have been expertly translated as follows: 

(at lower left) Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere –Comparison of the Populations (figures from right to left)

1)  Japan -105,226,000 people (as of 1939)


2)  Manchukuo – 36,672,705 people (as of 1937)


3)  China (including Taiwan) – 427,507,000 people ( as of 1936)


4)  Thailand – 14,464,500 people (as of 1937)


5)  French Indo-China – 23,030,300 people (as of 1937)


6)  Burma – 14,667,100 people (as of 1931)


7)  East Indian Archipelago – 60,954,890 people (as of 1934)


8)  Philippines – 15,984,000 people (as of 1938)


9)  Australia – 6,807,000 people (as of 1936)


10)  India – 358,550,000 people (as of 1936)


11)  Malay – 4,895,496 people (no date given) 


(at lower right)  Illustration of Important Resources


KEY:  Name of Product

Percentage of Total Amount (does not state % worldwide or % in co-prosperity sphere)

Name of Country

Each Country’s Separate Amount



12.  RICE 90%  (In thousands of kilograms)

Japan 15,627

China (including Taiwan) 48,040

India 42,288

Dutch East Indies 5,676

French Indo-China 5,290

Thailand 4,716


11.  IRON 4% (In thousands of kilograms)

China (including Taiwan) 323

Manchukuo 647

Australia 970

India 1,576


10. WOOL 31% (In kilograms)

Australia 458,100

China (including Taiwan)

India 4,500


9.  TUNGSTEN 80% (In kilograms)

Australia 4,188

China (including Taiwan) 6,305

Malay 791


8.  FLAX/HEMP 48% (In kilograms)

Philippines 178,500

Dutch East Indies 80,000


7.  REFINED SUGAR 45% (In thousands of kilograms)

India 3,600

Philippines 1,000

Japan 1,560

Dutch East Indies 1,550


6.  WHEAT 20%  (In thousands of kilograms)

India 10,967

Australia 4,109

China (including Taiwan) 17,321


5.  RAW COTTON 20% (In thousands of kilograms)

India 1,048

China (including Taiwan) 635


4.  RUBBER 90% (In thousands of kilograms)

Malay 424

Borneo(?)  (information is smudged)

Dutch East Indies 288


3.  COPPER66% (In kilograms)

Dutch East Indies 39,800

Thailand 16,200

Malay 79,300


2.  CRUDE OIL 3% (In thousands of kilograms)

Dutch East Indies 7,262

Burma 1,103



1.  COAL 8%  (In thousands of kilograms)

India 25,624

China (including Taiwan) 15,000

Manchukuo 12,000

Australia 11,500